Full disclosure, I am a bit of an app junky. I love to play with filters and apps to enhance and tranform my photos. I have heard people say that this is “cheating” but I disagree. Using these tools are just that “tools,” no different than a brush or a pallate knife. I use these apps to create unique versions of my photos that reflect my vision.
One of my new favorite apps is Waterlogue. I have not picked up a paint brush since I started using a computer to create art many, many years ago. It’s a lot less messy and I love flexibility that the digital medium allows. Waterlogue has twelve filters that you can apply to your photos to create the effect you are looking for. You can also choose the amount of detail and the level of light you desire for your photos. It’s fun to “play” with all of these options to achieve beautiful watercolor effects for your photo. Apps like Waterlogue give people the opportunity to be creative. They empower people to take their photos to the next level and experience the joy of creating beautiful works of art without even wetting a brush.In the end it is all about how you want to express yourself.
LastĀ April Pretty Handy Girl challenged us to post a photo a day created with Waterlogue Instagram. Pretty Handy girl also has a quick tutorial on Waterlogue that you should check out. I am seeing some AMAZING paintings and I am having loads fun playing with this app! Check them out #prettywaterlogueapril! View my submissions below!